NIPPON STEEL PIPE AMERICA, INC. is a material supplier of various sizes and shapes of carbon and stainless steel tubing to the automotive industry. While end consumers of our tubing are many and include the most popular automobile brands in the world, NSPA tubing has even more direct “original equipment manufacturer” customers who form and incorporate our tubing into products that are among the best made shock absorbers, struts, exhaust systems, door impact beams, instrument panel beams, steering and suspension systems and more. A small percentage (1%) of NSPA tubing is also used in non-automotive applications.
Quality Excellence
For your families and ours, we recognize that our tubing must be made to exacting standards to help assure it stands up to the toughest conditions a vehicle may endure or travel. That is why our tubing is measured, sized, inspected, tested and placed under constant scrutiny to ensure it meets our customers’ needs and expectations. Tubing as “safety critical” requires an unwavering attention from, Engineering and Manufacturing to Quality Assurance and our Customers. NSPA and our products are recognized for quality, service and performance.
Market Share

Power Steering Cylinder • Steering Column, Shaft • IP Beam • Bush/Collar • Shock Absorber • Door Impact Beam • Exhaust System Pipes • Propeller Shaft • Stabilizer